Thursday, February 19, 2015

IKEA in my Home: Part 1

As mentioned, part 1 of how I am using IKEA in the shouse is here. I love the IKEA experience and the prices, however, it's not all rustic decor that I want to incorporate into the new house. Some things just need a little altering.
It's been really cold here, and we've been out of school thanks to the snow. I've enjoyed all the free time to work on extra projects, including this one.
I have been pondering what kind of rugs and textiles to use in the new home because we plan on using vinyl flooring throughout the shouse and we still want some warmth on our feet. In our bedroom, I didn't think a big area rug would work, which is where this project comes into play.
During our last trip to IKEA, the sheepskin rugs were on a sale so I picked up two. They are extremely soft and I wanted something light to add to our room.
Materials needed: IKEA sheepskin rugs x2 Scissors Waxed thread for leather Leather needle Needle nose pliers (optional but useful)
I started by lining the two rugs together. The way they are cut, there are two straight edges making this really easy.
Thread the needle like any other. They are very large and after about ten stitches my fingers were not happy. Enter pliers, you can use them to pull the thread through.
I made a simple stitch all the way down. Simple.
Now we have a fresh looking runner for the end of our bed or in front of the dresser.

Monday, February 16, 2015

100 Days

Today we are 100 days away from Mr. and Mrs. This time last year I was adjusting to deployed life and writing a thesis, so, no complaints here. We are snowed in here and I am taking advantage of the extra time to complete some wedding stuff. It's invite central here.
I had a lot of help putting these together from some sweet graduate school friends. Every invite is ready for an address now. Yay!
I bought a return address stamp from an Etsy shop, For Yoo, and it made the process much easier.
Speaking of an address, the shouse is still coming along despite cold MO weather. We have tin on the roof and side!
We have septic and water. I know a good water guy if you need one. :)
I'm loving the galvanized tin roof and the dark grey siding.
Next on the outside is red shutters and painting the door to match. We will need less snow before I tackle painting the door.
Joel took me to IKEA on Valentines day. Can you say, true love? I have never been to IKEA on a weekend afternoon. I suggest if you are going and want to look at the showroom, go on a weekday or right when the store opens. I think a direct quote from Joel was, "I am going to hit this woman with my cart." Yeah, pretty sure he said that. He didn't hit her, because we found an out in the lighting section. Whew. Here is where you enter the wonderland in the KC store. \\\
My, Yay it's IKEA face.
And here is Joel's IKEA face.
We got everything including the kitchen sink. Really, we did buy out kitchen sink. Joel did get some sushi and Cabela's time. So, not all was lost.
We have picked out cabinets and doors are next on the list. I'm still deciding what color to paint all of our cabinets. There are lots of fun choices to make when building a house shouse.
Keep an eye out for how I plan on using IKEA purchases in our home.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Little "Shouse" on the Prairie

Joel told me comparing our house to a Laura Ingalls Wilder title was pushing it, but I couldn't resist.

The last few weeks, the crew has been busy framing the house. 

Here is the living area/kitchen area. 

Laundry room/Pantry and garage entrance. 

Future kitchen sink. 

Overall picture of level one. 

Next comes the roof. 

Blake proving that he could in fact climb to the top. Who needs stairs?

Front door photo op. 

Completing the deck and roof. 

Future bedrooms and bathroom. Tin comes next!